About Us

The staff at Parsons Junior High School passionately believes that middle school students must be connected in a meaningful, positive way to their school in order for their educational experience to be productive and successful. To accomplish this, we strive to meet the needs of the whole student - academically, socially, emotionally, and physically. Parsons Junior High School's API score is 803, one of a handful of regional middle schools with an API over 800, and Parsons' Algebra scores outranked all other middle schools in the county! Parsons offers a variety of advanced, standard, and sheltered courses with a strong focus on citizenship, recognizing both effort and achievement.
We firmly believe that it takes a strong partnership between home and school in order for students to reach their highest potential.
While we focus on core subject mastery, we also offer students opportunities to participate in a variety of venues designed to develop talents and interests in athletics, electives, and extra-curricular activities.
Two of our most noteworthy programs, our outstanding fine arts program, and our unique technology program, are highlighted below.

Fine Arts at Parsons

Parsons Junior High School is known throughout the state for its excellence in fine arts, offering band, choral, dance, and a variety of other activities for students.

Our band program is multi-tiered, including Beginning Band, Tiger Band, Advanced Band, and full Jazz Ensemble. Groups compete in many festivals and competitions and continue to come away with top honors. The band travels and competes in a large state-wide competition each year.

Our choral music program is a phenomenal hit both for students and our community alike. There are several opportunities in choral music including Star Choir, Music in Motion (M&Ms), and Special Concepts. For the past 40 years, our students have competed throughout the state, taking high honors year after year.

Technology at Parsons

We offer a variety of computer and technology classes at Parsons Junior High School. We have the best computer labs in the north state. Our sixth-grade students are fully immersed in basic computer skills with Microsoft Office software including PowerPoint, Word, and Excel. Seventh and eighth-grade students may participate in classes that focus on 3-D imaging, web design, video editing, and television production - classes that are not offered at other schools. Parsons strives to prepare our students for the future in technology and give them skills that will be relevant and practical for college and beyond.